Shabbat 2020-06-06 – Signs & Wonders


Scripture teaches that there are both True and False (lying) Signs and Wonders. The challenge is that they can often look nearly identical. For example, the “miracles” that the Egyptian sorcerers performed to imitate the early signs that YHWH worked through Moses and Aaron (Ex 7:10-22), the “prophesies” that were uttered through the lying spirit (1 Kings 22:22-23), and the “power of god” for which the people in Acts 8:11-13 mistook Simon the magician, all looked like signs and wonders that came from “God.”

Because the WHAT can look identical, our discernment must go way deeper than the surface appearance. We must understand from Scriptures how the WHY (the PURPOSE) of signs and wonders maps to the miracle’s kingdom of origin so that we are not deceived. Yahushua emphatically warns about this in Matt 24:24. By understanding from the Word how the purpose of a miracle reveals its origin and nature we can strengthen our discernment between true signs and lying signs.

Purpose of True Signs & Wonders from YHWH

  1. Deut 4:34-35 – To separate (set-apart) YHWH’s nation / family from all other people.
  2. Ez 24:24-27 – To make us know (yada) YHWH
  3. Deut 28:44-45 – To curse rebellion against YHWH
  4. 1 Kings 13:1-6 – To confirm a true Word (prophesy) from YHWH
  5. Ezekiel 12:1-11 – To warn YHWH’s people of coming consequences, to repent
  6. Mark 16:17-20 – To confirm the Good News / Word (Scripture) of YHWH [Most people stop reading at verse 18 or 19, but verse 20 proves that the signs are not for the validation of faith, but rather for for confirming the Truth of the Good News.]
  7. John 20:29-31 – That we might believe Yahushua is the Son of Yah and the Messiah.

Purpose of False Signs & Wonders from the enemy

  1. Deut 13:1-3 – To lead astray after other gods [this includes other false gods created in man’s imagination even though they confuse these theological inventions with the God of the Bible and Jesus and the Holy Spirit – gods with a very different character and nature than what YHWH has revealed about Himself in his Word]
  2. Deut 18:17-22 – To speak presumptuously as if they have advanced spiritual knowledge or hear clearly from god or the spirit realm.
  3. Matt 7:20-23, 12:38-39, 21:14-16 – To perform acts of power, authority and status.
  4. Matt 7:20-23, 12:38-39, 21:14-16 – To seek signs and miracle rather than Yahushua.
  5. Matt 24:24 – To deceive as many as they can including, if possible, the elect of Yah.