Shabbat 2024-11-30 – Sanctuary

Here are links and resources and songs and passages from our Shabbat time this week since several had expressed interest in exploring further. Blessings!




Also, here is the testimony of the artist for that second one which is powerful and worth watching in its own right:


Here is the video we started our study with:

Below are the videos of Dr. Jay Smith’s messages from which an excerpt was included in the video above discussing Mecca and Islam and textual evidence including the well / water situation in Mecca… this is a super deep dive spanning 2 church services and exploring Islam, the Quran, and Mohamed and the lies interwoven in all of that from a scholarly perspective that relates to the modern geopolitical situation in the Middle East as impacting Israel and prophecy. The first video spends quite a bit of time at first looking at Islam as a religion based on the Koran and deals with mature subject matter – including how Islam treats women. WARNING: There are some references to disturbing practices and realities. But it’s good background as he shifts gears near the end of the first video and into dissecting the claims of Islam against the actual factual textual record in the second video.

Additional Resources:

Here are some links I found for reference and additional potential research… cause it sort of begs research with initial findings either having been scrubbed or at least contrary on the surface like the current Wikipedia article describing the waters of the Zamzam well coming from a combo of rain water and aquifer… and the well being currently 100ft deep dug by hand over the years but also inaccessible to the public… it might be a little tricky to verify Dr. Jay Smith’s claims from other online resources under current search engine suppression climates.

It’s also pretty easy to find negative content towards both Dr. Smith and Dr. Crone

Scripture References:

Here’s my list of Scripture references from the study (we still have to go through all of the ones including Ez 40 and after, which we didn’t have time for all in one sitting):

  • Ez 34
  • Ez 36:1-12, 21-38
  • Ez 37:12-27
  • Ex 25:8
  • Josh 24
  • 1 Chron 22:6-19
  • Is 8:14
  • Ez 11:16
  • Ez 40:45
  • Ez 41:1-4
  • Ez 42:19
  • Ez 43:1-12, 21
  • Ez 44:1-9
  • Dan 8:9-14
  • Rev 11

Shabbat 2020-04-25 – Declarations

Clean & Unclean

As a foundation for understanding the declarations below we need to explore the Scriptural treatment of two central concepts: Clean & Unclean

  • Numbers 19:16-22
  • Lev 10:8-10
  • Ez 22:26

Declarations of Baptism

These 8 declarations are adapted from the “Mikvah Declarations” published by (Messianic Torah Observant Israel). I found them to be an excellent way to focus the study for one who wants to be baptized into Yahushua toward understanding exactly what it means, what’s involved, what it represents, and what it means for living out (not just speaking) confession of faith in Messiah. These are excellent questions and answers which help bring Scriptural clarity to the decision to become a disciple of Yahushua, and help the one making this decision to understand what this commitment does in the reality of their identity as well as what it requires of them. I have included references for the Scriptural basis for each Question / Declaration.

  1. Is it your desire to repent of your sin and be changed from unclean to clean – to be born again in Yahushua?
    (Ps 51; Rev 1:5, John 3:3-7, 1 Pe 1:3, 23)

    YHWH, of my own free will, I repent of all my sin and uncleanness before You, and ask You to forgive and cleanse me by the blood of your Son Yahushua, the Messiah.

  2. Do you chose to bury the “old man?”
    (Rom 6:1-9)

    Of my own free will, I choose to bury the “old man!”

  3. Do you of your own free will renounce your citizenship in the kingdoms of this world and HaSatan and sovereignty over yourself?
    (Gal 1:3-4; Eph 2:1-6; Col 1:9-14)

    Of my own free will, I renounce my citizenship in the kingdoms of this world and HaSatan and sovereignty over myself!

  4. Do you choose to be a citizen of the Kingdom of YHWH?
    (John 1:12; Rom 8:12-17; Eph 2:11-22)

    Of my own free will, I choose to be a citizen of the Kingdom of YHWH by receiving adoption into His Family by His grace through Yahushua Messiah!

  5. Do you of your own free will choose to submit yourself completely to the ruler-ship and authority of Yahushua?
    (Rom 10:9-11; 1 Cor 12:3; Acts 8:37, Jude 1:24-25)

    Of my own free will, I choose to submit myself completely to the ruler-ship and authority of Yahushua Messiah, who is the Son of YHWH, who came in the flesh, who died for my sins, who rose again, who sits at the right hand of the Father, and who will come again to establish His Kingdom on earth!

  6. Do you commit to take on the responsibilities of being a citizen of the Kingdom of YHWH and to strive to live by Torah, the “teachings and instructions of YHWH?”
    (Jn 15:10; 1 Jn 2:1-7, 5:1-5; Rom 7; Jer 31:33)

    Of my own free will, I commit to take on all the responsibilities of being a citizen of the Kingdom of YHWH and to strive to live by Torah, which are His Ways, instructions, and teachings in His Word, expressed in loving Him with all my heart, soul, mind & strength.

  7. Do you request that YHWH annul any and all previous agreements with any and all other organizations and authorities that you have made that are in conflict with Him?
    (2 Cor 4:1-2; Tit 2:12)

    YHWH, of my own free will I request that You annul any and all previous agreements with any and all other organizations and authorities that I have made, which are in conflict with You.

  8. Do you choose to take upon yourself the Name of YHWH and Yahushua and to commit to walk out the rest of your life to bring their Name honor and not shame?
    (Deu 28:10; Mic 4:5; Zech 10; Dan 9:19; Is 44:1-5; Amos 9:12; Acts 19)

    Of my own free will, I choose to take upon myself the name of YHWH and Yahushua, and commit to walk out the rest of my life to bring their Name honor and not shame!